Sterntaler - Puppet Show Puppets

This are all puppets that are available on Amazon

The availability of puppets can vary depending on your location. I have searched on and (where this brand is based). I've created different Amazon accounts in various countries to see what I can order from each. The availability of the Sterntaler brand is much lower outside Europe. For non-Europeans, this means a bit more effort is required. However, I can say that they are worth it. Sterntaler puppet show puppets are the best I know, so so cute and great to use for very young children.

Grandmother Stentaler

Witch Sterntaler

Princess Sterntaler

Policeman Sterntaler

Clown Sterntaler

Wizard Sterntaler

Robber Sterntaler

Devil Sterntaler

Grandfather Sterntaler

Princess Sterntaler

King Sterntaler

Pig Sterntaler

Doctor Sterntaler

Witch Sterntaler

Duck Sterntaler

Tooth fairy Sterntaler

Nurse Sterntaler

Moose Sterntaler

Native American Sterntaler

Santa Sterntaler

Dog Sterntaler

Bird Sterntaler

Clown Sterntaler

Grandma Sterntaler

Hans Sterntaler

Fox Sterntaler

Doctor Sterntaler

Angel Sterntaler

Boy Puppet Company

Superhero boy Puppet Company

Superhero boy Puppet Company

Superhero girl Puppet Company

Girl Puppet Company

Boy Puppet Company

Girl Puppet Company

Grandma Puppet Company

There is more to come - visit this page regularly

Puppets in Action

Puppets on this page and puppets from the same series used in videos

Transform Your Connection with Children Through A Puppet, Because Every Child Professional Deserves a Tool That Helps Them Thrive

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